Neil Young – Hey Hey My My (ENG)
Guitar chords and lyrics of Hey Hey My My by Neil Young
Published 1988
Original key G
The lyrics and chords of the songs contained on the site are property of their respective authors. Law no. 159 of 22 May 1993 allows its use only for didactic, study and research activities. Authors can request their removal at any time.
The chords interpretation is the result of my individual work.
Guitar tuning 2 steps down to D key
Am G F/A
My My, hey hey
Am G F/A
Rock and roll is here to stay
C G6
It’s better to burn out
Am F
Than to fade away
Am G F/A
My My, hey hey
Am G F/A
Out of the blue and into the black
Am G F/A
they gave you this but you payed for that
C G6
Once you’re gone, you can never come back
Am G F
When you’re out of the blue And into the black
Am G F/A
The king is gone but he’s not forgotten
Am G F/A
This is the story of a Johnny Rotten
C G6
It’s better to burn out than it is the rust
Am G F/A
The king is gone but he’s not forgotten
Am G F/A
Hey hey, my my
Am G F/A
Rock and roll can never die
C G6
There’s more to the picture
Am F
Than meets the eye
Am G F/A
Hey hey, my my